Cattle Tubby®

Our Cattle Tubby® Range

Part of our flagship range, Tubby® is a tried and tested advanced nutritional solution that has been endorsed by farmers for over 30 years. Unlike other buckets or blocks, Tubby® has been uniquely designed to encourage natural chemotactic instincts, meaning cattle do not consume beyond their optimal requirement. In addition, due to the highly concentrated formulation, only low intakes are required to achieve the desired outcome, making it a cost-effective solution to many common on-farm challenges.

Brinicombe Tubby

Coxi-Clear Calf

*MFS Required* A highly concentrated nutritional lick for the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis

Suckler Store & Yeast

A concentrated nutritional lick that supports
suckler herd nutritional needs all year around


Enhances fertility for a tighter calving block and reduced returns

Fly Control

Nutritional lick to balance summer grazing and naturally reduce fly nuisance

Cattle Conditioning

A highly concentrated nutritional lick to help balance trace element deficiencies


Supports pre-calving cows to help reduce difficulties at calving


Highly concentrated nutritional lick to maximise growth while impeding exogenic challenges

Calf Tubby Plus Imuherb

A highly concentrated health lcik to support the immune system