Liquid Feeders

Liquid Feeders

To provide the most appropriate feeding solution for every stock type and situation, we offer an extensive range of liquid feeding equipment for efficient and cost-effective feeding.


2 Ball Tray Feeder

Widely used and easy to move feeder. 50l capacity

Adaptoball (Pk of 4)

Replacement pack of four balls and inserts

Tube feeder

Manual fill feeder, designed for either gate or wall mounting. 30l capacity

Auto Tube Feeder

Automatic fill feeder, designed for either gate or wall mounting. 30l capacity

6 Ball Round Feeder

Integrated 'A frame' feeder with a shallower design making it ideal for sheep. 150l capacity

Wydale Wheel Feeder

Wheeled feeding points. 250l capacity

3 Ball "Cheese" Feeder

Linked to form a 6, 9 or 12 ball feeding point. 80l capacity per segment